About Chippewa Valley Ethanol
Chippewa Valley Ethanol Company (CVEC) was founded over 25 years ago by local corn producers and the local electric cooperative. Their vision sought out ways to add more value to the high quality corn they produced locally while stabilizing electricity rates.
Today, over 950 producers, elevators, and community members join together to create and invest in Chippewa Valley Agrafuels Cooperative (CVAC). Our membership continues to impact the surrounding communities and livelihoods.
Board of Directors
Harmon Wilts
Jan Lundebrek
Richard Syverson
Greg Fynboh
Tom O'Leary
Chuck DeGrote
Dan Benson
Doug Schliep
Roger Longhenry

Our Staff
CVEC leadership and staff is made up of knowledgeable, hard-working people, representing producers, commodity experts, plant, lab, systems specialists and more - each dedicated to getting the best results and highest quality offerings for our members.
The team members below are in addition to our plant and process employees who ensure efficient and safe manufacturing of our products 24/7.
Our Mission
Generate distributions to our members by engaging in opportunities to increase the value of agriculture production.
Ensure our success as a multigenerational company.